02 December 2009

November ends, welcoming December.
So people must have waiting eagerly for December, but not me. Its too fast thou, why? I want 2009 to a very progressive year and it hasn't. We have the idea but we do not afford to create it.
That's where the problem hanging loose. As soon all of these settle I believe I'm ready for a whole new level. Also understanding our own idea is crucial, its like a recipe. How well we understand our idea is how well we develop it. So its more likely if u can manage well then u can develop well. Through listening this can be an excellent progression.
Till then, good luck to all of you!

2 November 2009

After months and months, the enlistment letter arrived.
So I'm in the army, serving the nation huh..
I don't know if I'm ready but definitely I can't slow time down.
But if i could time traveled i would dedicate my live fully on study.
I'm turning 21 soon, in 3 months time. By 23 I finish my NS.
I say we must not waste every second of our life. Realizing it, regret came to conclusion but that's not going anywhere far unless i do constructive improvement. Albeit things already happened we shouldn't let it be. We can't sit and see things take place.

“Time changes everything. That’s what people say. It’s not true. Doing things changes things. Not doing things leaves them exactly as they were.”

Btw Happy Halloween, i know its 2nd Nov.
So welcome November.

There this day I was in the public bus. A boy was standing and reading a book, in out of the bloom his book fell. I was like WTF! Cos it doesn't fell downward but forward. As if he threw it, that boy was so blur. He was pretty trippy.

Eating disorder, sleeping disorder, disorderly plan the day. These are the 3 things I'm experiencing. Emotional disorder?? I guess so. Being so much disorder is not a pleasant thing.
I felt like I'm all messed up. Am i terribly depress? In a state of confusion, oh man.
I guess I'm thinking too much.

So when does twilight saga new moon releasing? Its like ages since i heard about it.

"Famous Last words."

Just some random things i came across on the net.

Dean, James
(1931-1955) "My fun days are over." (Shortly before his fatal car crash.)
Dickinson, Emily (1830-1886) "... the fog is rising."
Eastman, George (1854-1932) "My work is done, why wait?" (His suicide note.)
Fillmore, Millard (1800-1874) "The nourishment is palatable."
Flynn, Errol (1909-1959) "I've had a hell of a lot of fun and I've enjoyed every minute of it." (Said shortly before his death.)
Fox, Charles James (1749-1806) "I die happy."
Gainsborough, Thomas (1727-1788) "We are all going to Heaven, and Vandyke is of the company." (Attributed last words.)
Gandhi, Indira (1917-1984) "I don't mind if my life goes in the service of the nation. If I die today every drop of my blood will invigorate the nation." (Said the night before she was assassinated by Sikh militants.)
Goldman, Charley ( -1970) [American boxing manager] "Only suckers get hit with right hands."
Gwenn, Edmund (1875-1959) "It is. But not as hard as farce." in _Time_ 30 January 1984 (On his deathbed, in reply to the comment `It must be very hard.')
Heine, Heinrich (1797-1856) "Dieu me pardonnera. C'est son metier." [God will pardon me. It is his trade.] (On his deathbed.)
Henry, O. (1862-1910) "Turn up the lights, I don't want to go home in the dark." (Quoting a popular song, 5 June 1910)
Hill, Joe (also Joel Emmanuel Hagglund or Joseph Hillstron) (1879 or 1882 to 1915) "Fire" (Just prior to his execution by firing squad in Utah for a murder he most probably did not commit.)
Housman, A. E. (1859-1936) "That is indeed very good. I shall have to repeat that on the Golden Floor!" (To his doctor, who told him a joke just before he died.)
Huss, John (c.1369-1415) "O sancta simplicitas! [O holy simplicity!]" (On noticing a peasant adding a faggot to the pile at his execution.)
Jackson, Thomas Jonathan `Stonewall' (1824-1863) "Let us pass over the river and rest under the shade of the trees." (He had been inadvertedly shot by his own men.)
Jefferson, Thomas (1743-1826) "Is it the Fourth?" (4 July 1826)
Jolson, Al (1886-1950) "This is it. I'm going. I'm going."
Kath, Terry Alan (1946-1978) [Founding member of the rock band Chicago] "Don't worry, it's not loaded." (Reportedly said to Don Johnson, while pointing a 9-mm semiautomatic pistol to his own head. The single bullet left in the chamber killed him instantly.)
Kelly, Ned (1854-1880) [Australian folk hero and outlaw and legend]. "I suppose it had to come to this. Such is life." (As the hangman adjusted the hood to cover his face.)
Kennedy, John Fitzgerald (1917-1963) "If someone is going to kill me, they will kill me." (On arriving in Dallas, 1963)
Keynes, John Maynard (1883-1946) "I wish I'd drunk more champagne."
Lee, Robert Edward (1807-1870) "Strike the tent."
Lehar, Franz (1870-1948) "Now I have finished with all earthly business, and high time too. Yes, yes, my dear child, now comes death."
Lewis, Wyndham (1884-1957) "Mind your own business." (When his nurse asked him about the state of his bowels on his deathbed.)
Louis XIV (1638-1715) "Why are you weeping? Did you imagine that I was immortal?" (Noticing as he lay on his deathbed that his attendants were crying.)
Malcolm X (1925-1965) "Cool it, brothers..." (His last words before being assassinated.)
Marx, Karl (1818-1883) "Go on, get out. Last words are for fools who haven't said enough."
McLain, James ( -1970) [American criminal] "Take lots of pictures! We are the revolutionaries!" (Before being killed by the police, as he tried to shoot his way to freedom at his trial.)
Morant, Lt. Henry H. ("Breaker")(b. Edwin Henry Murrant) (1864-1902) [Australian Anglo-Boer War soldier and poet] "Shoot straight, you bastards! Don't make a mess of it!" (To the firing squad that executed him.)
Morgan, John Pierpont (1837-1913) "I've got to get to the top of the hill..."
Mussolini, Benito (1883-1945) "But, but, mister Colonel..." (Before being executed.)
Napoleon I (1769-1821) "Chief of the Army."
Narvaez, Ramon Maria (1800-1868) "I do not have to forgive my enemies, I have had them all shot." (Said on his deathbed, when asked by a priest if he forgave his enemies.)
Oates, Lawrence (1880-1912) "I am just going outside and may be some time." (Before leaving the tent and vanishing into the blizzard on the ill-fated Antarctic expedition (1910-1912). Oates was afraid that his lameness would slow down the others.)
Olivier, Laurence (1907-1989) "This isn't Hamlet, you know, it's not meant to go into the bloody ear." (To his nurse, who spilt water over him while trying to moisten his lips.)
Palmerston, Henry John Temple, 3rd Viscount (1784-1865) "Die, my dear Doctor? That's the last thing I shall do!" (Attributed last words.)
Philby, St John ( -1960) "God, I'm bored."
Picasso, Pablo (1881-1973) "Drink to me."
Presley, Elvis (1935-1977) "I hope I haven't bored you." (Concluding what would be his last press conference.)
Raleigh, Sir Walter (1554-1618) "I have a long journey to take, and must bid the company farewell."
Rhodes, Cecil John (1853-1902) "So little done, so much to do."
Rodgers, James W. ( -1960) [American criminal] "Why yes, a bulletproof vest!" (On his final request before the firing squad.)
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano (1882-1945) "I have a terrific headache."
Roosevelt, Theodore (1858-1919) "Put out the light."
Rosenberg, Ethel (1918-1953) "We are the first victims of American fascism!" (Before her execution.)
Rosenberg, Julius (1918-1953) "We are innocent. That is the whole truth. To forsake this truth is to pay too high a price even for the priceless gift of life. For life thus purchased we could not live out in dignity." (Before his execution.)
Runyon, Damon (1884-1946) "You can keep the things of bronze and stone and give me one man to remember me just once a year."
Saki (Hector Hugh Munro) (1870-1916) "Put that bloody cigarette out." (Just before being killed by a sniper, 14 November 1916)
Sanders, George (1906-1972) "Dear World, I am leaving you because I am bored. I am leaving you with your worries. Good luck." (His suicide note.)
Sedgwick, John (1813-1864) "Nonsense, they couldn't hit an elephant at this distance." (In response to a suggestion that he should not show himself over the parapet during the Battle of the Wilderness.)
Senna (Da Silva), Ayrton (1960-1994) [Formula One Race Driver] "The car seems OK..." [A few seconds later his steering column broke and he died when his car hit the wall.]
Shaw, George Bernard (1856-1950) "I want to sleep..."
Smith, Adam (1723-1790) "I believe we should adjourn this meeting to another place."
Stein, Gertrude (1874-1946) "Just before she [Stein] died she asked, `What _is_ the answer?' No answer came. She laughed and said, `In that case what is the question?' Then she died."
Stevenson, Adlai E. (1900-1965) "I feel faint." (Before collapsing.)
Thomas, Dylan (1914-1953) "I have just had eighteen whiskeys in a row. I do believe that is a record."
Thoreau, Henry David (1817-1862)
`Have you made your peace with your God?'
`I never quarreled with my God.'
`But aren't you concerned about the next world?'
`One world at a time.'
(Discussion with his aunt on his deathbed)
Thurber, James (1894-1961) "God bless... God damn."
Villa, Francisco `Pancho' (1878-1923) "Don't let it end like this. Tell them I said something."
Voltaire (1694-1778) "This is no time to make new enemies." (When asked on his deathbed to forswear Satan.)
Wallace, William (1270-1305, Scottish Patriot) "Freedom" [Ascribed to him in the film "Braveheart"; his actual last words, before being hanged, disembowelled, drawn and quartered, are unknown.]
Washington, George (1732-1799) "It is well, I die hard, but I am not afraid to go."
Webster, Daniel (1782-1852) "I still live."
Wells, Herbert George (1866-1946) "Go away... I'm allright."
Wilde, Oscar (1854-1900) "Either this wallpaper goes, or I do!" [The authenticity of this quote is complicated by his deathbed conversion back to Catholicism and the fact that a priest was with him up to the very end. Another deathbed quotation is also attributed to him: he asked for Champagne to sip as he died, and as he sipped, he is reported to have said: "Alas, I am dying beyond my means."]
Emmett, Christopher Scott (1972-2008) "Tell my family and friends I love them, tell the governor he just lost my vote. Y'all hurry this along, I'm dying to get out of here." (Just before his execution in Virginia; he challenged the legality of lethal injections as cruel and unusual punishment, but a federal appeals court rejected his claims.)


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Make a sentence using 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,10.

Someone was asked to make a sentence using 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,10.
Not only did he do it 1 to 10, he did it again from 10 back to 1. This is what he came up with.....
1 day I go 2 climb a 3 outside a house to peep. But the couple saw me, so I panic and 4 down. The man rushed out and wanted to 5 with me. I ran until I fell 6 and threw up. So I go into 7-eleven and grabbed some 8 to throw at him. Then I took a 9 and try to stab at him. 10 God he run away.

10 I put the 9 back and pay for the 8 and left 7-eleven. Next day I called my boss and told him I was 6. He said 5 , tomorrow also no need to come back 4 work. He also asked me to go climb a 3 and jump down! I don't understand. I am so nice 2 him but I don't know what he 1.

Got it?

Dogpatch Day

Did you know...

... that today is Dogpatch Day? This day celebrates the
birthday of Al Capp (Alfred Gerald Caplin), born in 1909 in
New Haven, Connecticut. Capp was the cartoonist who created
the Li'l Abner comic strip featuring the community of



"The only thing more expensive than education is ignorance." Benjamin Franklin
Absolutely agree, can't afford to be ignorance.
While doing nothing, well i actually came across unnecessary stuff.
Remember the Kit-Kat song?? yup, exactly.
"Give me a break, give me a break, break me off a piece of that Kit-Kat bar.
"Chocolate, chewy gonna make your day."
"Everywhere we go we hear the people sing."
"HEY! Give me a break. "
"HEY! Give break me, break me off a piece of that, I'll have a piece of that, break me off a piece of that, break me off a piece of that kit-kat bar.. Whooh...
lol... just something RANDOM!
check this out-->http://is.gd/3OosQ
So long.


Hi there ppl!!!
I would like to wish a Selamat Aidilfitri to all the Muslim around the world!!
well of course it is a happy occasion, but some reason I'm not.
where are they? so long never heard from them.. very so not cool..
btw i wish this fall is better than the last one.. always better & better..
see ya around!!



i just got the hang of it.
you twiit here and there. you follow people..and ending up not know where..
just a big motion of twiit you're following..so thats twiiting perhaps.
and i'm not gonna say twiit one more time! cos it so twiited!
the word twiit is so catchy..oh its so random twiit.
so follow me on tweeter @ http://twitter.com/razrebel

Twiiting off...


while blogging here, i ought to remember how i got into it.
i got these interesting blog that i used to read and it got me carry away perhaps, haha..
then i got to try it out..
ANd it was fun. thats how i got into social networking.
hmm.. these days seem a little so down. i dont wish to story as to protect certain identity.
just wishing the best of luck!!!

PPP (princess protection program)

have y'all watch Princess protection program?
its quite nice..about a princess being promoted to be a queen when all of a sudden a dictator protested and treaten to harm her..why? because shes too young. so she have to fly to Louisiana, America as she will be under the custody of PPP(princess protection program)..kind of blzzz of this PPP.. She is under the guardian of General Joe Mason. So Demi Lovato play as the princess name Rosalinda and Selena Gomez play as Carter. Carter is the daughter of Joe Mason. She have to learn the in and out of a normal american girl from Carter as to prevent the exposure of her real identity. In turn, Rosalinda helps Carter overcome insecurities with herself and her crush on Donny.
In the end? Watch the movie to find out..

quite a nice story...NOt for haters!!!


human these days are so judgemental.


human are too judgemental.


human are judgemental. it doesnt matter..

but it do matter when u people judge a person.

cos people do not have to did things just to suit your way of thinking damn it!!!

even though we live with the community.. am i right?

have a say here...


keep your thought to yourself.



What we are today comes from our thoughts of yesterday...

so have don't think too much, especially negative idea.


you should enjoy this song if u like punk rock pop!!!


hi again....
hmmm..wondering if u ppl ever thought of being in the entertainment industry..
As a kid you ought to grow with Disney...
A chance to act in the Disney Channel, every morning on the way to set, having school hours for 1 or 2 hours is like an every kid dreams comes true..
Btw have y'all watch wizards of waverly place?
it first episode was on 2007, staring Selena Gomez. Shes cute and funny.
It is a great play.
These days seems to be hard on me or i'm being hard on myself?hahha
Anyway i just need to be patient & sincere.
i believe i will be persevere & succeed.. (that my primary sch motto) btw.. yup i wiill succeed as long i have the passion in doing things theres nothing will stop me.
yeah, thats the spirit..
have some pickles ppl.
so long.


Morning people!!
Have a pickles? with coffee?


u know what my thoughts are???
youtube! are like the new PPV channel..YUP!!!
why am i saying this like i just knew it..
COS my comp is back...
finally my cpu has changed the hardware.
this is making my world smaller again...


Finally my comp was sent for repair...
the company bring back my cpu...
it will be ready in 2 weeks time...
therefore i can kill all the unused boredom!!!


lifes has always been better & better each day for me...
but not better when w/Out computer...
technologies have made human bonding with family..as for most isolated themselves with it..
or perhaps like nokia slogan "connecting people".. haha!!


wah so bored!!!
the weather has been incresed..evem for a 1 degrees.
so ppl y'all have to be eco-friendly...
and also
A happy Father's Day to all the fathers out there!!!
and dad u hav been a great father...
tAkE CaRe!!


hi there ppl!!!how was ur day? hopefully great...
for me it has become a better day by day..
always loOking forward the following day..
nothing much to update as its the same rountine each day...
till then,
TaKe CaRe guys...


H1N1 swine flu fuck up!!
malaysia have another 2 more cases..
s'pore downgrade its flu alert to yellow
hopefully all the check at various places will not stop for the moment..
just play safe!!
OkeH TC people!!
hi there!
yup i'm back...
currently bz workin...
comp still down..
so badly bored..boredom fuckin sucks!!!


i'm back!!!
oNce agaiN my comp still dOwN...
haikzz...i hope 2009 is a wonderful year for me but unfortunately it started negatively...
i feel like i'm having a chaotic mind...
errgghhh...so fucking stress..
no matter what, just keep on steady, take one step at a time...

so T.C. guys



Happy New Year!!!
hope all of you have a great countdown to the wonderful 2009...
hopefully this year will be a wonderful year..
a lil shine will do..
not much to say..
i'm a lil busy these days looking for a better job..
also wish to continue my studies as far as possible.. to increase the chances of being employ..
learning never stop...
resolution for 2009?hmm... not to idle around and waste time.
till then take care people...
have a great year ahead...
and hopefully the recession the world is facing will end soon...
